What to Expect

Do I need a prescription?

In the State of Arizona, a prescription is not necessary to be treated by a Physical Therapist, so we do not require one.  However, if you are considering billing your insurance, your insurance may require you to get a physician’s prescription.

How should I be dressed?

Myofascial Release is done directly on the skin, so you should bring appropriate clothes so that allows for hands on contact of your body. For example, some people choose to wear shorts and tank top, their underwear or a two piece bathing suit.

What should I expect?

A Myofascial Release therapist utilizes a whole body approach to treatment. During your initial session your therapist will be looking for areas of fascial restriction in the body. The treatment approach will vary depending on where your particular areas of restriction lie. You may be treated in areas that seem unrelated to your condition. However, these areas may be creating a “drag” on adjacent pain sensitive structures, thus contributing to your symptoms.

Treatment sessions are often very relaxing. There may or may not be conversation with the therapist and at the same time the therapist will encourage you to be aware of sensations you may be feeling in your body. Feedback to the therapist about what you are feeling helps the therapist to be most effective.

How do you typically feel after a session?

Following your session you will typically feel very relaxed. After this experience many people have increased energy, heightened awareness and greater productivity – which can last for days. Since toxins are released from your soft tissues during the session, it is important that you drink plenty of water for 24-48 hours following your session.

How long is each session?

Generally, sessions are 60 minutes in duration.  Frequently, patients will schedule multiple session in a day depending on their goals.  Our intensive patients receive 3 hours a therapy a day.  Because this work is gentle, yet effective, most patient’s find the multiple sessions accelerate their healing.